The City Heights Partnership for Children brings together leaders from the education, health and human services, nonprofit, business, civic, and philanthropic sectors to improve outcomes for young people in the urban core of San Diego. CHPfC is focused on generating results through collaborative action, the effective use of data, and the alignment of resources that work for children and students. Every child, every step of the way – from cradle to college or career.
Successful children emerge as successful, productive participants in our community. CHPfC is building a new, sustainable way of serving every one of our community’s children: a 360 degree, community-wide effort aimed at aligning our region’s resources around a common and collaborative strategy to drive youth success. By working together, our goal is to support every child, every step of the way – from the cradle to college or career – as well as to track and report on our community’s progress toward that goal.
Our effort: a unified, data-driven approach around the common goal of supporting youth in and out of school. We are mobilizing the community, government, schools, non-profits and philanthropy around this common goal and the information they need to design effective strategies.
Collective Impact requires all partners to use the same research data, agree to the same benchmarks and goals – and ultimately, work together to find enduring and creative solutions to solve chronic social problems. Collective Impact has clearly defined components that must be met, including a centralized infrastructure and staff to keep the initiative on-task.
Using this approach, the Partnership for Children brings together leaders from the education, health and human services, nonprofit, business, civic, and philanthropic organizations to build a coordinated and sustained effort that supports San Diego’s youth and the schools they attend.
It takes more than just schools to educate children and to raise young people who can participate meaningfully in the community. It will take all of us, as well as a new civic infrastructure, strong family support systems, economic opportunity and a safe, healthy environment. We are building the “village” that makes sure young people do not fall through the cracks any more. That village is critical in supporting “quality schools” as defined by the San Diego Unified School District which can be seen here: Quality School Indicators.