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Work Hub - Ready for K Summer Initiative

Improving youth wellness and educational outcomes

Ready for K Summer Initiative

Why do it?

  • Data shows that students in the Hoover Cluster often do not have the basic literacy skills that they need upon entering kindergarten. Kindergarten and first grade teachers have an enormous amount of ground to cover with students during those first two critical years and when students start off behind, we know that it is often very difficult, if not impossible, to catch up.
  • The Ready to Read Summer Initiative addresses this issue by giving parents the tools that they need to be their child’s first teacher and to help them be better prepared upon entering kindergarten.

What is it?

  • Our partners have created a Literacy Toolkit full of daily activities that parents can do with their children to prepare them for kindergarten.
  • Parent Promotoras share the Toolkit with parents of incoming kindergarteners and will provide families with support throughout the summer.
  • This new effort will end with a two-week program that offers an opportunity for families to get targeted assistance on certain aspects of the Literacy Toolkit.

Who is involved?

  • Partners who are local literacy organizations. Words Alive, READ San Diego, Everyone A Reader, and Community Housing Works have created and designed a Literacy Toolkit that focuses on basic skills include letter names and sounds, reading together, writing, colors, shapes, numbers, and everyday activities that families can do to improve literacy skills.
  • Parent Promotoras. Over 30 parents from the Hoover Cluster have volunteered to be trained on how to use the Literacy Toolkit and how to teach other families to do the same.
  • Partners who are providing additional materials for the Literacy Toolkit. Project LEAN who provided information on healthy eating and active living, the San Diego Unified School District who donated scissors, and the San Diego Childhood Obesity Initiative who donated bags for all of the materials.
  • Partners such as Teach for America who are providing additional support by volunteering to provide tutoring and targeted assistance during the two-week session.

Meeting location: 4305 University Ave, 6th floor, San Diego, CA 92105
Contact: Tia Anzellotti, 619-813-3490,

Early Literacy